The COBRA laboratory is a mixed research unit (UMR-6014) combining the CNRS, the University of Rouen and INSA Rouen. It is located at the IRCOF (Institute of Fine Organic Chemistry Research) in Mont Saint Aignan. COBRA was created in 1996 and includes 175 members of personnel (60 teacher/researchers, 20 members of technical & administrative staff, 70 PhD students and 25 post doctoral fellows).
One of the major assets of the laboratory is the fact that it develops its research activities in both Organic Synthesis and Analytical Chemistry. It has exceptional technical support facilities with state of the art equipment for the latest innovative methods.
The research touches the domains of pharmaceuticals, medical imaging, cosmetics, food processing, the environment and energy (the recovery of CO• and development of methodologies, characterization in fields of refining and lubricants as well as in the identification of extractable polymer materials).
The COBRA laboratory was graded A by the AERES (Evaluation Agency for Research and Higher Education) in 2011, and has a scientific production of around 70 publications and 4 patents per year (IF = 3.7; 60% publications with IF3) mainly in the fields of organic, bioorganic, medicinal and analytical chemistry.
The activities of the UMR (Mixed Research Unit) were initially focused on synthesis methodology, but have greatly developed the interaction with biology over recent years, mainly along the axes of analytical chemistry (team 1), diagnosis (teams 2&6) and medicinal chemistry (teams 3&5). The unit has developed strong ties with academic and industrials in both pharmaceuticals and biotechnologies via the technopole ‘Chimie Biologie Santé’ (Chemistry, Biology, Health) and the business cluster Cosmetic Valley. These interactions have also resulted in the incorporation of the UMR into the Large Scale Research Network of Haute Normandy ‘Chimie Biologie Santé, into the ‘Federation of Inter-regional Research CNRS 3038’ (INC3M Normandy Institute of Molecular, Macromolecular and Medicinal Chemistry), into the IRIB (Institute of Biomedical Research and Innovation) but also into the cross-channel networks IS:CE Chem, AlChem and LABEX SynOrg, which is backed by the UMR.
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